Welcome to Svante user documention¶
Acknowledgement Statement:¶
Please acknowledge the use of the Svante HPC cluster in publications as:
The computations presented here were conducted using the “Svante” cluster, a facility located at MIT’s Massachusetts Green High Performance Computing Center and supported by the Center for Sustainability Science and Strategy (https://cs3.mit.edu).
- 1. Who to Contact
- 2. General Information
- 3. Module System
- 4. Using SLURM to Submit Jobs
- 5. Python and Jupyter Notebooks (svante-ood.mit.edu)
- 6. Best Practices for Svante Use
- 6.1. Use of login node (aka “head node”) vs. file servers vs. compute nodes
- 6.2. Where should I compile code for running on Svante?
- 6.3. To which compute node partition should I submit my job?
- 6.4. Where should I write model output?
- 6.5. Are there limits on my usage (or computational “footprint”) on Svante?